Bootstrap Farmer
我們新設計的「哥德式」拱形環形房屋非常適合北方氣候下雪量較高的人。哥德式設計的高拱門可以防止屋頂上積雪。有 11'、4”、14' 和 20' 寬度可供選擇。哥德式環形房屋風格設計的堅固框架具有陡度,可以讓雪從結構上滑落。哥德式拱高隧道陡峭的屋頂線的另一個優點是端牆更高。這為種植者贏得了寶貴的淨空,從而增加了結構的額外可用空間。繼續添加額外的行!
11' 4"寬- 13'-14' 高
14' 寬- 12.5'-13.5' 高
20' 寬- 15.5'-16.5' 高
- 美國製造的鍍鋅鋼和鋁
- 符合 NRCS 標準
- 管道、門框和臀部/底板採用 Flo-Coat®,這是美國製造的鍍鋅管道上的透明有機密封。
- LEED 認證管道
- 較重的 18 號髖部和底座支架
- 重型 16 號箍、接地柱和端壁組件
- Texas Fabricated - 減少製造里程並確保實際品質控制
- 無需猜測:一切都包括在內 - 無需去商店/採購/一個最終價格(包括運費)
- 全金屬結構 - 比木材更堅固且不會腐爛。
- 全金屬端牆設計,配有預製金屬門框和五金的門。
- 重疊金屬接頭具有卓越的強度和易於安裝。
- 沿著整個結構長度的 7 個橫向點整合防風支撐
- 20' 寬哥德式包括檁條套件和角支撐
- 更高的側壁可增加工作室和空氣質量
- 陡峭的雪拱屋頂線可減少北方氣候下的積雪
- 添加遮光布,捲起側面,遮光布,棚架套件,雙層,淺色。
- 所有框架和端壁組件均採用 Flo-Coat®,這是美國製造的鍍鋅管上的透明有機密封。
- 美國鋼 16 號預彎精密箍
- 美國鋼 16 號接地柱
- 美國鋼 18 號牙套
- 美國鋼製預製門和框架 36 英吋。可以選擇在另一側添加門或將單扇門設定為雙倍寬。
- 美國鋼製 16 號端牆設計帶有支撐,消除了猜測
- 鍍鋅五金套件包括支撐帶、螺帽、螺栓和墊圈、鋅自攻螺絲。包括螺母起子和鑽頭。
- 地柱驅動器
- 德州製造的鋁製鎖槽
- PVC塗層彈簧線
- 4年溫室塑料
- 寬度有 11'、4”、14' 和 20' 可供選擇
- 有 20'、40'、60'、80 和 100' 長度可供選擇。 100 英尺長度後,可提供客製化長度。給我們發電子郵件
- 每週 7 天透過電話和電子郵件提供指導說明、視訊和客戶服務。
- 可依要求提供水平椽桿和桁架套件 - 請聯絡我們的技術專線,電話 (888)-406-1982 分機號 11。 1 了解更多。
- 捲邊套件
- 雙層附充氣機
- 防蟲網套件
- 遮陽布套件(黑色或白色)
- 雙門72吋寬
- 額外的門
- 雜草屏障地面覆蓋物
始終免費送貨至美國 48 個州
There are very few products out there that you buy once and it will keep on serving you. These can be reused year after year instead of ending up in the garbage can or landfill, so good for you and good for the environment. You pay a little more, but you save over time. I am absolutely sold on Bootstrap products.
What I like about the kit is that the plastic trays and dome are made of a very sturdy material, not like the flimsy trays I have used in the past. It was difficult to move full trays when they were not rigid. These trays are quite rigid and I think will make moving them much easier. They also seem like they will hold up longer with normal usage.
It was convenient to get everything I needed for a small seed starting in one package and I didn't have to search around for all the parts. It has the mesh bottom insert that seems to be necessary for use with soil blocking, so that was a big plus to me.
I am going to try the soil blocking, so I'm excited to try the blocker. Just getting everything set up now. However, the blocker seems to be in good working order even though I haven't actually used it yet.
One thing I think would improve the website is mentioning in the item description that the plastic is much sturdier than ones mostly seen in the stores. I wasn't quite sure that it was the sturdier version, but I decided to take a chance. Just making that clearer in the description would have been helpful. (i.e. "these trays and domes aren't the flimsy version you find in most stores!") I am sure people more used to using greenhouse products know that, but people new to that might not.