Bootstrap Farmer
6 電池插頭托盤插入件顏色
6 電池插頭托盤插入件顏色
美國製造 6 個彩色細胞托盤!
我們的 6 單元托盤插件現已提供透明和彩色版本!這些尺寸方便的 6 單元插頭在美國製造,非常適合種植各種農作物。 Bootstrap Farmer 1020 托盤中裝有 12 個可拆卸插件。由食品安全的重型聚丙烯塑膠製成,經久耐用。在這些插盤中對您的幼苗進行顏色編碼。
注意:透明 6 芯插頭的電池內部有一個小方形標籤。它是製造過程的一部分。
- 由 FDA Prime 級超強聚丙烯(#5 不含 BPA)塑料
- 超大⅝ 英吋排水孔,可以非常輕鬆地去除幼苗。
- 這些 6 個電池插入件採用 Air Prune 技術設計。每側均添加空氣通道,以防止根部循環。空氣修剪的根被證明可以提供更健康、更有活力的生長。
- 自豪地在美國製造 我們的種子托盤保證至少可持續使用 2 年
- 每個 1020 托盤可容納 12 個刀片
- 60 包總共為您提供 360 個電池
- 120 包總共 720 顆電池
- 360 包總共為您提供 2,160 個電池
- 種子托盤插入件外部尺寸:5" x 3⅓" x 2¼" 高度
- 托盤插入物中的每個單元頂部尺寸為 1 ½" x 1½" x 2⅛",底部逐漸減少至 1"
- 空氣修剪狹縫尺寸為 0.11 英吋寬 x 1 ¼ 英吋高
There are very few products out there that you buy once and it will keep on serving you. These can be reused year after year instead of ending up in the garbage can or landfill, so good for you and good for the environment. You pay a little more, but you save over time. I am absolutely sold on Bootstrap products.
What I like about the kit is that the plastic trays and dome are made of a very sturdy material, not like the flimsy trays I have used in the past. It was difficult to move full trays when they were not rigid. These trays are quite rigid and I think will make moving them much easier. They also seem like they will hold up longer with normal usage.
It was convenient to get everything I needed for a small seed starting in one package and I didn't have to search around for all the parts. It has the mesh bottom insert that seems to be necessary for use with soil blocking, so that was a big plus to me.
I am going to try the soil blocking, so I'm excited to try the blocker. Just getting everything set up now. However, the blocker seems to be in good working order even though I haven't actually used it yet.
One thing I think would improve the website is mentioning in the item description that the plastic is much sturdier than ones mostly seen in the stores. I wasn't quite sure that it was the sturdier version, but I decided to take a chance. Just making that clearer in the description would have been helpful. (i.e. "these trays and domes aren't the flimsy version you find in most stores!") I am sure people more used to using greenhouse products know that, but people new to that might not.